This week on The Doctors: "Caught On Tape" (airing Fri May 7th), they mount "a health sting to uncover the shortcuts people take when they don’t think anyone is looking! And, learn which beauty treatments may do more harm than good and what food to never buy from a vending machine!" All this according to the page about the episode I filmed for.
I found this on Craigslist. The listing read something along the lines of: "Looking for women interested in getting a free facial to participate in a focus group for a known network TV show -- will compensate $20.00 for your time." It wasn't until I received a phone call from them that I found out it's for The Doctors - a show that I love! I had to take an over-the-phone survey about facial care and cosmetics, and then I'm off!
I arrive and I go to a waiting area at the studio for almost two hours before they take me in. I find out that they weren't supposed to tell us (the "facial victims") that it was for The Doctors. Right then I know something is weird.
They take me in and put this white goop on my face while I'm sitting up. They say that it's a "rare fruit extract" from India or something like; I just go along with it. The girl next to me goes in the back room to wash her goop off and starts screaming that it's burning!
Now I know there's hidden cameras in the room and they want a reaction to all this nonsense, so I try to play along and give them what they want. In the end, they think they fooled me like on Candid Camera and say they will set us up for an actual facial somewhere nice. They hand me $20.00, have me sign a release, and I'm on my way.
Here's the link to my clip. Check it out now because I'm not sure how long it will be up there.
...Two+ months later and still no free facial. We'll see if they kept my reaction shots in the show this week. Stay tuned on May 7th @ 4PM and see if you can spot me! Let me know if you do in the comments below.
Link Happy:
- The Doctors official website
- Current weeks' episodes

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