Then, a good friend of ours -- Jim (whose music has often been a great friend at work!) -- pointed me to Laura Roeder's site(s) and...well, the floodgates opened. There's lots of great info to be had, and I'm very thankful Jim's a guru of social marketing, because without him, we wouldn't be as far along as we are. And without people like Laura Roeder, crazy new networking ideas wouldn't be the bread and butter that is Social Media Strategy.
Anyway, part of what I'm getting at is that I'm now on LinkedIn and Twitter. But it's way cooler for me to have put together a big story around that. Perhaps more importantly, maybe it's worth expanding the horizons of this blog: not only to do a little social networking promotion for my site, Laurie Landry, but also to show a clear path on how that social networking is done, and what it leads to. Expect to see some really cool stuff very soon!
Link Happy:
- Laura Roeder's Social Media Marketing -
- Jimbalaya -
- James Chevalier -

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